Each use subject to the provisions of this Zoning Code shall be located, arranged, and operated in accordance with the following performance standards in order to minimize the use's interfere with the development and enjoyment of adjacent properties.
   (a)   Vibrations and Noise. Noise or vibration shall be so controlled that at the property line on which such noise or vibration is produced it will not be at a level above that normally perceptible from other developments in the area or from the usual street traffic observed at the street right-of-way line of the lot, except occasional blast or shock required in normal operation and produced in such manner as not to create a hazard.
   (b)   Smoke. Smoke shall be controlled in its emission so as to be less dark in shade than that designated as No. 2 on the Ringelman Chart, except that an emission above such level shall be permitted for a period of three (3) minutes or less during the operation of starting or cleaning a fire.
    (c)   Dust. Dust or particulate matter shall be so controlled as not to produce a hazardous, or obnoxious situation beyond the property lines of the lot on which such dust or particulate matter is produced.
   (d)   Fire and Explosion Hazards. All activities, including storage, involving flammable or explosive materials shall include the provision of adequate safety devices against the hazard of fire and explosion.
All standards enforced by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration shall be adhered to. Burning of waste materials in open fire is prohibited, as enforced by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency.
    (e)   Liquid and Solid Wastes. No discharge at any point into any public sewer, private sewage disposal system, stream, or the ground of any materials of such nature or temperature as can contaminate any water supply or interfere with bacterial processes in sewage treatment shall be permitted. The standards of the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency shall apply.
    (f)   Odor and Glare. Odor or noxious fumes shall be so controlled as not to be offensive nor to create a hazard. Glare or heat from processing or other activity or lighting shall be so screened as not to be perceptible beyond the property lines of the lot on which such glare or heat is produced.
      (Ord. 2022-110. Passed 12-12-22.)