(a)   Purpose. The Industrial Flex District intends to promote industrial and other commercial uses along railroad, highway, and river transportation corridors.
   (b)   Development Standards.
Front Setback
20 ft. min.
Side Setback
0 ft. min. for a side yard that abuts only non-residential uses; 40 ft. min. for a side yard that abuts a residential use.
Rear Setback
0 ft. min. for a rear yard that abuts only non-residential uses; 40 ft. min. for a rear yard that abuts a residential use.
Structure Height
90 ft. max.
Impervious Coverage
90% max.
   (c)   Parking Location. No parking area may be situated closer to the front lot line than any front- facing exterior wall of any principal structure(s) on the same lot, except in the case of through-lots. If the parking area is located on a lot that does not contain a principal structure, refer to the parking area regulations in Section 1137.03(b).
   (d)   Uses. Only the following uses are permitted in this district. More than one principal use per lot is permitted.
   (In the list below, "C" indicates a use that is conditionally permitted. "A" indicates a use that may be accessory to a principal use. For more details, see the Comprehensive Use Table and use-specific standards in Chapter 1135.)
      •   Adult Use
      •   Artisan Manufacturing
      •   Heavy Industrial
      •   Large Light Industrial
      •   Small Light Industrial
      •   Government Services
      •   Small Lodging (A) (C)
      •   Large Surface Parking (A)
      •   Small Surface Parking (A)
      •   Structured Parking (A)
   Recreation and Leisure
      •   Restaurant or Bar
      •   Small Outdoor Recreation
      •   Small Retail
      •   Automotive Sales
      •   Commercial Sales
      •   Addiction Treatment Facility
      •   Automotive Services
      •   Car Rental Services
      •   Commercial Services
      •   Ground Transport Services
      •   Professional Services
(Ord. 2022-110. Passed 12-12-22.)