No person shall perform work on a residential or commercial property within the City right-of-way, including a public street, sidewalk or alley, unless a permit to perform such work has been issued by the Engineering Department. Proposed work does not include routine property maintenance items such as, cutting grass or weeds, trimming trees and shrubs, and removing snow and ice. Proposed work within the right-of-way includes items such as:
(a) Replace deteriorating existing driveway and/or sidewalk.
(b) Construct new or relocated existing driveway or sidewalk.
(c) Repair downspout drains which discharge into roadway.
(d) New landscaping such as planting trees or shrubs.
(e) Replace deteriorating existing driveway culvert/bridge.
The cost of a permit shall be twenty-five dollars ($25.00). No permit is to be issued until this administrative permit fee is paid. The purpose of this permit is to ensure uniform standards of restoration or new construction with City right-of-way.
(Ord. 2021-63. Passed 9-27-21.)