(a) Beekeeper must abide by Ohio Revised Code, including Chapter 909.
(b) Beekeeper may not opt out of the annual inspection by the county or state bee inspector as part of the Ohio Department of Agriculture's inspection program.
(c) Each beekeeper shall ensure that a convenient source of water is available to the colony at all times bees remain active outside of the hive. The water source shall be closer to the hives than a neighboring source where bees could become a nuisance such as a pool or pet water bowl. The water source may be natural such as a pond, stream, or artificial source.
(d) Each beekeeper shall ensure that no wax, comb, or other material that might encourage robbing by other bees are left upon the grounds of the apiary lot. Such materials once removed from the site shall be handled and stored in sealed containers, or placed within a building or other insect-proof container.
(e) For each colony permitted to be maintained under this ordinance, there may also be maintained one nuc upon the same apiary tract.
(f) Each beekeeper shall maintain his beekeeping equipment in good condition, including keeping the hives painted if they have been painted but are peeling or flaking, and securing unused equipment from weather, potential theft or vandalism and occupancy by swarms. It shall not be a defense to this ordinance that a beekeeper's unused equipment attracted a swarm and that the beekeeper is not intentionally keeping bees.
(g) Each beekeeper should practice best hive management practices which includes: replacing queens in colonies exhibiting defensive behavior, practicing swarm control measures, and avoiding disturbing hives when such disturbance is more likely to cause issues with neighbors or the general public. (Ord. 2021-40. Passed 6-28-21.)