It shall be the responsibility of the owner, operator, or agent of a rental dwelling to give notice of his or her permit from the Portsmouth City Board of Health to tenants in one of the following authorized methods prior to the commencement of a rental term with said tenant:
   (a)   Place upon all written rental agreements the following notice: "This rental dwelling has received a permit from the Board of Health for the period of (date) to (date) for not more than (number) occupants. Be advised that both landlords and tenants have certain responsibilities to each other as set forth in the Housing Code of the City of Portsmouth, Chapter 1349, including an annual inspection by the Portsmouth City Health Department. You will receive at least a 24-hour notice and be required to open your home to inspection at the designated appointment time.”
   (b)    If the rental agreement is oral, the owner, operator, or agent shall deliver to the tenant a written statement and notice as is described in subsection (a) hereof before the occupant takes possession of rental dwelling.
      (Ord. 2012-20. Passed 5-24-12.)