The Commission shall have full power and authority to make such investigations, maps, reports, and recommendations relating to the planning of the City as it deems desirable. In particular, it shall have authority, and it shall be its duty, to make recommendations concerning: (a) the location, extension, widening, and planning of streets, boulevards, parks, playgrounds, and other public places; (b) changes in, or vacation of, streets, alleys, or other public places, and the sale or disposal of any real estate owned by the City; (c) the construction of public buildings, bridges, viaducts, street fixtures, and other structures and appurtenances having to do with the convenience and beauty of the City; (d) the design and location of works of art which are or may become the property of the City, or which may be set up in any public place of the City; (e) the laying out and platting of new subdivisions; (f) the districting and zoning of the City as to the uses to which property may be put, and regulating the height, area, and use of buildings; (g) the improvement of the water front; (h) the future physical development of the City; (i) such State and municipal legislation as may be necessary to carry out such plans.