(a) The veteran shall have been honorably discharged from a branch of the United States of America’s armed forces, shall have been a resident of the State of Ohio for two years which shall include time spent on active duty as a recognized Ohio resident, shall be of good moral character, possess other requisite qualifications and/or meet veteran qualifications outlined in Ohio R.C. 124.23(C).
(b) In every department and every aspect of employment and appointment, including an elective office, within the purview of the City of Portsmouth, a qualified veteran shall be preferred for appointment or employment. Age, loss of limb or other physical impairment that does not, in fact, incapacitate, does not disqualify the individual.
(c) In furtherance of this veteran’s preference, all open positions for employment or appointment shall be advertised or noticed. When candidates from outside current City employ are to be considered for job openings, the City Manager’s office or other City appointing/hiring authority will be responsible for advertisement, if necessary, of the vacancy, acceptance of applications, notice of veterans preference and hiring of the selected individual. Appointing/hiring authorities within the City are the elected positions of Municipal Court Judge, City Solicitor, City Auditor and the appointed position of City Manager.
(d) It is the policy of the City to normally try to fill job openings above entry level by promoting individuals currently in the City’s employ, if qualified internal applicants are known to be available. Internal applicants who meet the standards established by this veteran’s preference shall receive such preference. Should, however, there not be a qualified internal applicant, any job opening at or above entry level must, without exception, be advertised or noticed.
(e) It is not the intent of this section to alter or supersede any provisions, directives or agreements as may be contained within Bargaining Unit contracts with the City or Civil Service requirements.
(Ord. 2015-58. Passed 8-10-15.)