(a)   Good business and conservation practices as well as air resource management practices indicate the desirability of determining and recording the amounts and kinds of materials lost or discharged to the outdoor atmosphere. Therefore, all persons owning or operating any process, fuel-burning, or control equipment pertaining thereto, which may be a source of air pollutants, may be required to register and cooperate fully and without reservation with the Board, supplying required information for a comprehensive emission inventory.
   (b)   The above information shall include the form and dimensions of the process, fuel- burning, refuse-burning, or control equipment, including the means provided for admitting the air for combustion process; the character of the fuel to be used; the maximum quantity of such fuel to be burned per hour; the kind and amount of raw materials processed; the expected air pollutant emission rate; the operating requirements; the use made of such process, fuel-burning, refuse- burning, or control equipment; pollutant concentration, gas volume, and gas temperature at the emission point; physical characteristics; the location and elevation of the emission point relative to nearby structure, window opening, etc.; and any other reasonable and pertinent information, that may be required by the Board.
   (c)   The Board shall supply necessary forms on which such data will be recorded and submitted to the Board. Registration shall be valid for a period of two years from the date of registration. At the end of that time the source must again be registered and up to date information on the source’s emissions as the Board shall require must be submitted to the Board.
(Ord. 1970-69. Passed 7-28-70.)