(a)   The Ohio Fire Code shall be enforced by the Bureau of Fire Prevention in the Department of Fire which is hereby established and which shall be operated under the supervision of the Fire Chief.
   (b)   The officer in charge of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be appointed by the City Manager. His appointment shall continue during good behavior and satisfactory service, and he shall not be removed from office except for cause after public trial.
   (c)   The Fire Chief may detail such members of the Department of Fire as inspectors as shall from time to time be necessary. The Fire Chief shall recommend to the City Manager the employment of technical inspectors. Such position shall only be open to members of the Department of Fire and appointment shall be for an indefinite term with removal only for cause.
   (d)   A report of the Bureau of Fire Prevention shall be made annually and transmitted to the City Manager. It shall contain all proceedings under the Ohio Fire Code with such statistics as the Fire Chief may wish to include therein. The Fire Chief shall also recommend any amendments to the Ohio Fire Code which, in his judgment, shall be desirable.
(Ord. 1973-91. Passed 10-9-73; Ord. 2019-05. Passed 1-28-19.)