The following rules and regulations shall constitute a policy to be followed in all cases in the future where requests are made by residents outside the City for water service to their premises and where it is necessary to extend the water mains beyond their present limits in order to provide such service:
   (a)   The property or properties to be served must be situated on a street or road which has been platted, dedicated to public use and approved by the Planning Commission or agency having jurisdiction.
   (b)   The regular suburban fees for tapping and running the service connection and placing the meter shall apply.
   (c)   The regular suburban fees for water shall apply to all water consumed.
   (d)   The Department of Public Utilities shall have sole control over the system so constructed or extended and shall have the right to serve any customers from these lines whether they were parties to the original compact or not.
   (e)   In the event a request is made for a further extension of the mains installed under the foregoing plan, such further extension shall be considered a new and independent project without reference to the construction already completed, and shall be subject to the same provisions as herein contained.