For the purpose of numbering all the houses, dwellings, shops, warehouses, manufactories, or other buildings used for business purposes, fronting any street, public square, space or other public highways within the City, the following system shall be observed:
   Those streets running east and west shall be numbered eastwardly from the Scioto River as a base line, allowing twenty feet for each number as nearly as practicable. The odd numbers shall be placed on the north side of the streets, and the even numbers on the south side of the streets. The streets running north and south shall be numbered northwardly from Mill Street as a base line allowing twenty feet for each number as nearly as practicable. The odd numbers shall be placed on the west side of the street and the even numbers on the east side of the street.
   The numbering of the streets shall be as follows:
   (a)   Beginning at Mill Street with number one and north to the corporation line, allowing 100 numbers in sequence to each square north of the same, and north of its line projected to the east and west.
   (b)   Beginning at the mouth of the Scioto River with number one and east to the corporation line allowing 100 numbers in sequence to each square east of the same, and east of a line projected north from it.