Every person engaged in any trade, business or occupation for which a license is imposed by this chapter shall, at the time of procuring the license, make application to the City Manager and shall state such facts as may be applicable to the license. In cases where the Chief of Police requests the City Manager, in writing, to require that the application and statement of facts be made under oath or affirmation, the same shall be so made. The City Manager shall, if the applicant qualified for the granting of the license applied for or any renewal, direct the City Auditor, in writing, to issue the particular license applied for upon the payment of the amount of money required by law to be paid for the license or any renewal, and the City Auditor shall issue the license to the applicant with a certificate of payment stating the particular kind of license issued and the amount paid therefor. (Ord. 2016-87. Passed 9-26-16.)