(a)   Every massage parlor or model studio, that, as a regular course of business, is used for the purposes of lewdness, assignation or prostitution, and every such massage parlor or model studio in or upon which acts of lewdness, assignations or prostitution, are held or occur, is a public nuisance which shall be enjoined, abated and prevented.
   (b)   From and after service on the place, its manager, acting manager, or person then in charge of such place, of a true and correct copy of this chapter and a true and correct copy of the Resolution and order of summary abatement provided for in Section 535.07, all moneys or other valuable consideration paid for services rendered to customers are also declared to be a public nuisance, as personal property used in conducting and maintaining a declared public nuisance. (Ord. 2004-08. Passed 2-9-04.)