(A)   All operators of construction sites shall use best management practices to control and reduce the discharge, to the MS4 and to watercourses, of sediment, silt, earth, soil, and other material associated with the clearing, grading, excavation, and other construction activities to the maximum extent practicable. Such best management practices may include, but not be limited to, the following measures:
      (1)   Ensuring that existing vegetation is preserved and that disturbed portions of the site are stabilized as soon as practicable in portions of the site where construction activities have temporarily or permanently ceased. Stabilization measures may include: temporary seeding, permanent seeding, mulching, geotextiles, sod stabilization, vegetative buffer strips, protection of trees, preservation of mature vegetation, and other appropriate measures;
      (2)   Use of structural practices to divert flows from exposed soils, store flows, or otherwise limit runoff and the discharge of pollutants from the site to the extent feasible;
      (3)   Minimization of the tracking of sediments off-site by vehicles, the generation of dust, and the escape of other windblown waste from the site;
      (4)   Prevention of the discharge of building materials, including cement, lime, concrete, and mortar, to the MS4 or watercourses;
      (5)   A single, on-site location, shall be erected with an appropriate BMP, in order to allow for concrete truck washout, to ensure zero percent leaching into surrounding soil;
      (6)   Providing general good housekeeping measures to prevent and contain spills of paints, solvents, fuels, septic waste, and other hazardous chemicals and pollutants associated with construction, and to assure proper cleanup and disposal of any such spills in compliance with state, federal, and local requirements. All portable fueling tanks used to fuel onsite construction equipment shall have secondary containment;
      (7)   Implementation of proper waste disposal and waste management techniques, including covering waste materials and minimizing ground contact with hazardous chemicals and trash;
      (8)   Timely maintenance of vegetation, erosion and sediment control measures, and other best management practices in good and effective operating condition; and
      (9)   Installation of structural measures during the construction process to control pollutants in storm water discharges that will occur after construction operations have been completed. Structural measures should be placed on upland soils to the degree attainable. Such installed structural measures may include, but not be limited to, the following: storm water detention structures (including wet ponds); storm water retention structures; flow attenuation by use of open vegetative swales and natural depressions; other velocity dissipation devices; infiltration of runoff on site; and sequential systems which combine several practices. Operators of construction sites are only responsible for the installation and maintenance of storm water management measures prior to final stabilization of the site, and are not responsible for maintenance after storm water discharges associated with construction activity have terminated.
   (B)   Qualified personnel (provided by the operator of the construction site) shall inspect disturbed areas of any construction site that have not been finally stabilized, areas used for storage of materials that are exposed to precipitation, structural control measures, and locations where vehicles enter or exit the site, at least once every 14 calendar days and within 24 hours of the end of a storm that is 0.5 inches or greater. All erosion and sediment control measures and other identified best management practices shall be observed in order to ensure that they are operating correctly and are effective in preventing significant impacts to receiving waters and the MS4. Based on the results of the inspection, best management practices shall be revised as appropriate, and as soon as is practicable.
   (C)   The city may deny approval of any building permit, grading permit, certificate of occupancy, subdivision plat, site development plan, or any other city approval necessary to commence or continue construction, or to assume occupancy, on the grounds that the management practices described in the plans or observed upon a site inspection by the city are determined not to control and reduce the discharge of sediment, silt, earth, soil, and other materials associated with clearing, grading, excavation, and other construction activities to the maximum extent practicable.
   (D)   Any contractor or subcontractor on a site of construction activity, who is not an owner or operator, but who is responsible under his/her contract or subcontract for implementing a best management practices control measure, is jointly and severally responsible for any willful or negligent failure on his/her part to adequately implement that control measure.
(Ord. 593-B, passed 7-12-2022)