(A)   All plans, plots or replots of land laid out into streets, alleys or other portions of the same, intended to be dedicated to public use, or for the use of purchasers or owners of lots fronting on or adjoining and located within the corporate limits of the city shall be submitted to the City Planning and Zoning Commission for recommendation before any connection shall be permitted with any public utility, such as water or sewers, owned and operated by the city; provided however, that in case of its unfavorable recommendation the City Planning and Zoning Commission shall communicate its reason for disapproval to the City Commission and thereupon, by majority vote of the City Commission, it shall have the power of overruling the disapproval.
   (B)   No sewer or water improvements shall be voted on or made, nor shall any public money be expended within any lands laid out in building lots, streets or alleys until the plan, plot or replot of the lands shall have been recommended by the City Planning and Zoning Commission, and approved by the City Commission, or by the City Commission.
(Ord. 141, passed 1-4-1954)