The Mayor and each Commissioner shall each recommend one Board member, which recommendations shall be approved by the City Commission. Each of these five Planning and Zoning Board members shall be identified by City Commissioner position, and each Board member's turn shall coincide, subject to removal pursuant to the applicable rules and regulations, with the terms of the Mayor or Commissioner who recommends the Board member. If a Board member resigns or is otherwise removed before the end of the term of the Mayor or Commissioner who recommended that member, the Mayor or Commissioner who recommended that member shall recommend a replacement. The other two members of the Planning and Zoning Board shall be chosen at large by a majority vote of the City Commission. These two at large members shall serve two-year terms on a staggered basis. In order to obtain staggered terms, the Commission in voting on the first two at large members shall choose one of the members for a one-year term only and the other member for a two-year term. After the initial two at large members are chosen, all additional at large members shall be chosen for a two-year term. If an at large member resigns or is otherwise removed prior to the conclusion of that member's term, the City Commission shall select a new at large member by majority vote of the City Commission, which new at large member will serve out the remainder of the unexpired term.
(Ord. 501, passed 11-24-1987)