(A)   The form of the sworn application shall be substantially as follows:
      To the Mayor of the City of Port Isabel, Texas, Greetings:
      I,                           , hereby make application to have my name printed on the official ballot as an independent candidate for the office of                                                 to be voted upon at the city election to be held on                                       , 20  ; and I hereby certify that I am qualified to make this application and I am legally qualified to hold the office, if elected.
      State of Texas)
      County of Cameron)
                                , being duly sworn, depose and says that the statements contained in the foregoing application are true.
      Subscribed and sworn to before me the         day of                      , 20  .
                        Notary Public in and for Cameron County, Texas
   (B)   The sworn application may be accompanied with a petition signed by qualified electors, although the petition is not required.
   (C)   The sworn application shall be accompanied with an executed copy of the "Loyalty Affidavit" as required by Vernon's Texas Statutes, Article 2978a, in substantially the following form:
      I,                           , of the City of Port Isabel Texas, County of Cameron, State of Texas, being a candidate for the office of                                                , do solemnly swear that I believe in and approve of our present representative form of government, and if elected, I will support and defend our present representative form of government and will resist any effort or movement from any source which seeks to subvert or destroy the same or any part thereof, and I will support and defend the Constitution and Laws of the United States and of the State of Texas.
                        (Candidate's Signature)
      Subscribed and sworn to before me the         day of                      , 20  .
                        Notary Public in and for Cameron County, Texas
(Ord. 116, passed 2-4-1950)