The duties and responsibilities of a Library Board member shall include:
   (A)   Attending Board meetings.
   (B)   Acting in an advisory capacity to the City Manager and City Commission in matters that pertain to the library.
   (C)   Receiving suggestions and recommendations from citizens relating to library service.
   (D)   Referring complaints, compliments and suggestions to the Library Director.
   (E)   Knowing how the library is organized and its functions.
   (F)   Knowing the collection, the staff and the activities of the library in order to communicate knowledgeably with citizens and elected officials.
   (G)   Recognizing that the Library Director and others on the staff are professionals in the field of library management and operations, and respecting their expertise.
   (H)   Remembering that the Board's role is to make recommendations to the City Manager and City Commission.
   (I)   Acquiring an awareness of public library standards and library trends.
   (J)   Becoming informed about state and national library laws, and actively supporting state and national library legislation that would improve and extend library service.
   (K)   Supporting intellectual freedom and the right to access in the public library.
(Ord. 372-A, passed 5-10-2011)