For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   BEAM. A more or less horizontal member of a structural frame used to transport building loads into columns or other beams or into foundations.
   BLOCK. A fabricated building material, with plane surfaces made of cement product or clay and used in masonry work.
   BRICK. A building or paving material made from moist clay and hard-burned in a kiln.
   BUILDING. A structure having four walls, a floor and a roof.
   BUILDING LOAD. The weight and/or the internal stresses in the various structural members imposed, by roof, floor and dead weight of the building itself.
   CEMENT PRODUCT. Any unit that has portland cement as one of its components.
   COLUMN. A more or less vertical member of a structural frame used to transport building loads from one elevation to another.
   CONCRETE. Concrete is a product obtained by having portland cement, fine aggregate (sand), course aggregate (gravel or crushed stone) and water, in its composition,
   CURTAIN WALL. A building wall that does not carry any building loads other than its own weight and that of any openings included in the limits of the wall.
   DESIGNED. Having had a structural analysis made of the structure and sizes of members designated as a result of the requirements made by the structural analysis,
   EXTERIOR WALL. Any wall which has one side exposed to the outside or any wall common to two buildings but which definitely separates the two buildings.
   FLOOR AREA. The number of square feet included in a building by taking the extreme outside dimensions of the foundations of the building.
   FOOTINGS. That structural portion of a building that carries building loads into the ground by means of separate or continuous structural member or beams.
   FIRE DIVISION WALL. A wall in a building that separates the building into two or more sections and that goes from the building foundations through the roof structure to a parapet as required for the Fire Zone.
   FIREPROOFING. A fireproof material that is placed around a structural member.
   FOUNDATION. The portion of the structural frame that transmits building loads into the ground.
   FRAME BUILDING. A building that has its structural frame made of wood.
   HOLLOW BUILDING TILE. A structural building material with plane sides and having air cavities in the center made from moist clay, molded and fired in a kiln.
   IRON CLAD. A building having an exterior covering of sheet metal.
   LOAD. The aggregate weight imposed by live and dead loads on a building frame, to whatever point is under consideration.
   PARAPET. A wall that extends above the roof line of a building.
   PARTY WALL. A wall that is common to two or more buildings.
   REINFORCED CONCRETE. Concrete (as previously described) with the addition of steel bars,
   REINFORCING STEEL. Steel bars that are put in a material to add to the strength of that material.
   ROOF BEAM. A beam at the roof level designed to support all roof loads.
   SPECIFICATIONS. A written description of the materials that are to be put in a proposed building.
   STONE. A natural stone that has been quarried for use as a building material.
   STRUCTURE. Any manner of building, edifice, form or support.
   STRUCTURAL DRAWINGS. Drawings in which the structural frame necessary to carry building loads are shown and/or detailed.
   STRUCTURAL STEEL FRAME. A structural frame designed to carry building loads fabricated of steel beams, columns and the like.
   STUCCO. A plaster material used generally on the outside of buildings.
   THICKNESS. That dimension that is measured at 90 degrees to the length of the member.
   VENEER. An outer coating of a material that is other than the material of the structural frame.
   WALL. The vertical portion of a structure that encloses the building or structure.
(Ord. 140, passed 1-4-1954)