The Mayor and each Commissioner shall be citizens of the United States, and have resided in the State of Texas for a continuous period of two (2) years and in the City of Port Isabel, Texas, for a continuous period of one year, and have attained the age of twenty-one (21) years at the time of filing as a candidate for such position; and shall have the other qualifications as provided for candidates; in the State Election Code. The Mayor, Commissioners, and other officers and employees shall not be indebted to the City, save and except for ad valorem taxes in the current year, and the previous year only, but with such ad valorem taxes and any other indebtedness owed to the City to be timely paid (otherwise constituting a disqualifying indebtedness hereunder); shall not hold any other public office of emolument, except the office of Notary Public, and shall not be interested in the profits or emoluments or any contract, job, work or service for the City of Port Isabel, or interested in the sale or lease to or by the City of any property, real or personal. If the Mayor or any City Commissioner fails to maintain, the foregoing qualifications, or shall be absent from three consecutive regularly scheduled meetings, the City Commission shall at its next regularly scheduled meeting declare a vacancy to exist and shall fill said vacancy as set forth in Section 2.03 of this Charter. All such qualifications and requirements shall be fully complied with by any prospective candidate for the position of Mayor or Commissioner at the time of filing for election. Any officer or employee of the City who shall cease to possess any of the qualifications herein required shall forthwith forfeit his or her office and any such contracts in which any officer or employee is or may become interested may be declared void by the City Commission. Any violation, of this Section shall be a misdemeanor, and on conviction for such violation, such office or employment shall be forfeited.