Ord. Book
and Page Ord. No. Date Description
I-103 Unno. 9-25-1883 Portion of Perry St.
II-247 Unno. 6-10-01 Narrowing north end of Jefferson St.
V-122 Unno. 10-14-19 Lake St. from S. Railroad St. to Fifth St.; alley extending east from Lake St.
V-251 38 1-8-24 Monroe St. from Perry St. to Second St.
VI-81 188 3-22-32 Perry St. from Monroe St. to N.Y. Central Ry. Co's. right of way.
241 11-23-37 Certain property north of Lots 1 through 5 in Block 6 of Lakeview Addition (certain portions of Perry St. between Jefferson and Maple Sts.)
VI-262 285-1/2 6-17-41 Alley from Third St. south to N.Y. Central Ry. Co's. right of way.
VI-350 343 8-12-47 Laurel Ave. from Sixth St. to Portage St.
VII-33 406 3-10-53 Portion of E-W alley in Block 25 of Port Clinton original plat.
Ord. No. Date Description
I-57 1-8-57 Amends Ord. 241 clarifying description of vacated property.
25-58 4-14-59 N-S alley between Alice and Alma Sts. in Lenke's Addition.
5-61 3-14-61 Perry St. between Jackson St. and right of way formerly owned by N.Y. Central Ry. Co.
3-63 1-22-63 N-S alley in Block 6 of the Original Plat lying between the E-W alley through such Block and the north line of such Block.
11-64 4-14-64 E-W alley in Block 35 from Harrison St. 246.29 feet east; N-S alley in Block 35 from Perry St. to the E-W alley in Block 35.
11-66 5-24-66 N-S alley lying north of Block 35; E-W street lying between Perry St. and the Portage River extending from Monroe to Jackson Sts.; all alleys in Block 36; N-S alley in the Block lying north of Block 36 and part of Jackson St. lying 33 feet north of lands conveyed to the City as recorded in County Deed Records Vol. 124, page 520. (Defeated by referendum vote.)
13-68 2-27-68 Part of Lincoln Dr. (formerly Depot St.) lying south of Fifth St.; all alleys in Block 1 of N.W. Payne's Second Addition.
46-68 8-27-68 Portion of N-S alley in Block of the Original Plat, lying South of the north line extended of Lot 10.
19-69 3-11-69 Portion of Harrison St.
28-69 6-24-69 Portion of N-S alley between Madison and Monroe St.
50-73 11-13-73 E-W alley between Fremont Rd. and Sixth St. from Lay Dr. 306.18 feet east.
23-75 6-24-75 12 foot E-W alley in Block 3 of Lakeview Addition.
27-86 11-11-86 Portion of Monroe St. from W. Third St. to the south line of the railroad right of way.
28-88 9-15-88 20 ft. wide N-S alley, Block 6, O.J. True Addition.
32-89 8-22-89 South 200 ft. of alley between 316 and 318 W. Third St.
24-90 7-10-90 E-W alley adjacent to vacated Lot 26, Block 2 of Charles Hopfinger Addition and Lot 44, Putnams Addition.
25-90 7-10-90 South 200 ft. of the N-S alley adjacent to Lots 5 through 8, Block 5, Samuel Gill Addition and Lots 5 through 8 Block 2, N.W. Payne's 2nd Addition.
26-90 7-10-90 E-W alley adjacent to Lots 4 and 5, Block 5, Samuel Gill Addition, between 515 and 519 Short St.
12-98 6-9-98 Front St. north of Block 36 of Original Plat of Port Clinton, between west line of Monroe St. and east line of Jackson St; and north-south alley north of Front St. and extending to Portage River; and all alleys running north and south and east and west in Block No. 36 of Original Plat of Port Clinton.
15-98 6-23-98 West 200 feet of east-west alley in Block No. 2 of Samuel Gill Addition.
17-01 9-11-01 A parcel of the north-south alley in Block No. 18.
30-05 9-27-05 A part of Brooklyn Street.
39-05 12-20-05 An approximate 100 feet section of Laurel Avenue.
12-08 5-13-08 Part of Sixth Street.
08-11 5-10-11 Part of the twenty foot wide alley running east and west in Block 25 of the original plat of the City, from Madison Street, to the north-south alley running through Block 25 of the original plat of the City.
10-15 5-26-15 The east-west alley between Blocks 1 and 2 of A. Couche’s Addition.
2-17 2-28-17 A portion of West Fifth Street located between Blocks III and IV of Hasselbach’s Addition and west of the west line extended of the north-south alley running through said Blocks III and IV.
5-17 2-4-17 Part of the east-west alley in Block 20 of Lakeview Addition.
9-23 3-14-23 Portion of Jackson Street located within Block 35, Original Plat of Port Clinton.