For the purposes of this chapter and to promote the historic architectural preservation of the City of Port Clinton, the following definitions apply to the Architectural District. These definitions supplement and are in addition to the definitions in other portions of the ordinances of the City of Port Clinton, Ohio and apply to the implementation of the provisions of this Chapter.
   (a)    Alter or Alteration. Any change to the exterior architectural features of a structure, to include exterior expansion of buildings, as visible from public streets.
   (b)    Architectural District. Any area of the city designated by this Chapter as an "Architectural District" and any area that maybe so designated in the future by ordinance.
   (c)    Board. The Architec.tural Review Board established by this Chapter.
   (d)    Zoning Permit. A permit as defined in Chapter 1127.
   (e)    Construction. Any activity for which a building permit is required.
   (f)    Demolish or Demolition. Razing, removal, moving, or other destruction of any structure in whole or in part.
   (g)    Emergency Repairs. Any temporary addition, modification, or other steps taken to prevent further damage to structures resulting from natural causes or other casualties(which would not require a Building Permit).
   (h)    Exterior Architectural Feature. Any building element visible from a public street, to include but not limited to walls, roofs, windows, doors, porches; steps, signs, and decorative or ornamental elements.
   (i)    Financial Incentives. Any benefit provided by any governmental entity, other than ordinary public services, to include tax credits, tax deductions, grants, or other valuable benefits available to property owners in connection with the preservation or restoration of structures.
   (j)   Historically Significant Structure. Any structure which is at least 50 years old and is included in at least one of the following categories:
      (1)    Any structure listed on the National Register of Historic Places.
      (2)   Any structure preliminarily determined to be eligible for listing on the National Register of Historic Places by the Ohio Historic Preservation Office.
      (3)    Any structure designated by the Board as a historically significant structure pursuant to this Chapter.
   (k)    Ordinary Repairs and Maintenance. Restoration of any architectural features of a structure which do not involve a change in the design, material, or outward appearance of the structure, and which does not require issuance of a Building Permit.
   (l)   Preservation Easement. A grant of an interest in real estate to the City of Port Clinton or a non-profit entity by a property owner which by its terms restricts the property owner from altering the appearance of the facade of any building located within an architectural district or a building designated as a historically significant structure.
   (m)    Reconstruction. Rebuilding or restoration of a structure following demolition or damage of a significant portion of a structure.
   (n)    Sign. Any structure included in the definition of a sign set forth in Chapter 1147.
   (o)    Street. Any public way defined as a "street" in Chapter 301 of the Port Clinton Codified Ordinances.
   (p)    Substantial Hardship. Either of the following conditions:
      (1)    In an income producing building circumstances in which compliance with design standards would prevent a reasonable economic return when considering a reasonable period of amortization.
      (2)    Where the structure is not an income producing building, circumstances in which compliance with the design standards would be substantially disproportionate with the fair market value of the building after the proposed alteration, reconstruction or partial demolition.
         (Ord. 20-15. Passed 12-8-15.)