(a)    (1)    Whenever a structure, as defined by the City's Zoning Ordinances, whether_ public or private, within the above described district is proposed to be constructed, or erected, and whenever an existing structure within the district is proposed to be altered, reconstructed, or enlarged, if such alteration, erection, construction; reconstruction or enlargement involves the exterior design, color(s), material, texture, outer appearance, sign(s), finish grade line, landscaping or orientation of the structure, an application for a certificate of appropriateness shall first be filed with the Secretary of the Architectural Review Board, unless such property is excepted in accordance with the exceptions permitted in Section 1323.08. Such exception shall be determined by the Zoning Inspector.
      (2)    For projects involving a structure located in a zoning overlay zone there shall be a coordination of applications for the project with the City Planning Commission serving as the lead reviewing agency, and its final action shall incorporate the concerns of the Board of Architectural Review.
   (b)    The application for a certificate of appropriateness shall be accompanied by a drawing indicating, at a minimum, the lot dimensions, size, shape, and dimensions of the structure, the location and orientation of the structure on the lot and the actual or proposed building setback lines. The application shall be accompanied by a detailed narrative description of the proposed design or change of design, use of materials, color(s), texture, outer appearance,
sign(s), finish grade line, landscaping and orientation of the structure.
   (c)    Upon receipt of an application for a certificate of appropriateness, which is accompanied by the material required by the provisions of subsection (b) hereof, the Secretary of the Board of Architectural Review shall place such application on the Board's agenda for a hearing at its next regular meeting. The Secretary shall further cause to be published in a newspaper of general circulation in the City at least seven days prior to the hearing, a public notice of the scheduled hearing date of the application together with a general description of the nature of the application. The applicant shall be notified by mail of the date and time of the hearing.
   In addition, there shall be a notice posted on the subject property stating that an application has been filed and the date and time of the hearing.
   (d)    The required certificate of appropriateness or waiver issued by the Board shall be obtained prior to the issuance of a Zoning Permit by the Zoning Inspector.
(Ord. 20-15. Passed 12-8-15.)