(a)   No awnings, canopies or other projections shall be erected, repaired, replaced or attached to, suspended from or supported on a building or structure until a permit for the same has been issued by the Director of Public Safety and Service.
(Ord. 16-65. Passed 7-27-65.)
   (b)   No awnings, canopies or other projections shall be erected, repaired, replaced or attached to, suspended from or supported on a building or structure when any part thereof extends over the sidewalk or streets in this City, except when the same comply with the following:
      (1)   The design load shall be 30 pounds per square foot live or wind load with a 1.85 safety factor to conform to the State of Ohio Basic Building Code for permanent awnings, canopies and permanent projections.
      (2)   Concrete footers and/or supports shall be sufficient to carry the full load with sufficient strength to conform to the State of Ohio Basic Building Code.
         (Ord. 14-65. Passed 6-22-65.)
      (3)   Awnings, canopies or other projections shall not extend from the building into the street beyond a line established by the Director of Public Safety and Service for the street upon which such awning, canopy or other projection is to be erected. When a line of support has been established by the Director of Public Safety and Service, then all supports on the street side of such awning, canopy or other projections shall be placed upon the support line.
         (Ord. 16-65. Passed 7-27-65.)
      (4)   The minimum height of any material of any kind under such awning, canopy or other projection shall be 8 feet from the sidewalk or the street surface over which it is extended. No awning, canopy or other projection shall project over that part of the street used by motor vehicle traffic.
      (5)   Drainage from permanent awnings, canopies or other projections shall be through drain pipes along the supports, if supported at the street side and drains through the sidewalk and out suitable openings in the curb. Draining at the building side of such awnings, canopies or other projections shall be through drain pipes down the side of the building into the sewers or through pipes under the sidewalk to suitable openings through the curb.
      (6)   Adequate lighting shall be placed in the area under the awnings, canopies or other projections to provide lighting at least equal to the present street lighting system.
      (7)   The owner of such canopy shall hold the City harmless from any and all claims or demands caused by the installation, construction, maintenance or permitting such awning, canopy or other projection to remain over the City sidewalk or street, and for this purpose shall disclose to the Building Official a suitable certificate of insurance showing coverage of full liability for any injury for which the City may be held accountable. This certificate shall be furnished on the anniversary date of each policy, and the insurance company shall disclose any cancellation to the Director of Public Safety and Service.
      (8)   A proper bond shall be supplied to the Building Official to insure that the opening or openings in the sidewalk, curb or street shall be properly and adequately closed. This bond shall be in the amount of the estimated cost of closing such excavation in accordance with the estimate thereof determined by the Director of Public Safety and Service. This bond shall not be released until one year after completion of the construction, and in the event of the failure of completion of construction, the proceeds of such bond shall be used to complete the construction.
         (Ord. 14-65. Passed 6-22-65.)