The parking requirements of the underlying district shall apply for each permitted use. Parking is prohibited in that area of the lot that faces the waters of Lake Erie or the Portage River. An effort shall be made to break up large expanses of pavement with landscaped plantings. Gravel lots shall be avoided and landscape buffering shall be required to soften the view of cars in parking areas.
(Ord. 25-04. Passed 10-12-04.)
In reviewing the lighting plan, when lighting is proposed for a project, the factors that will be considered by the Planning Commission include the following:
(a) Safety provided by the lighting;
(b) Security provided by the lighting;
(c) All light fixtures shall be located, aimed, or shielded so as to minimize stray light trespassing across property boundaries; and
(d) The height of pole-mounted lights shall not exceed twenty feet and the placement location of all proposed lighting shall be shown for the intended use.
(Ord. 25-04. Passed 10-12-04.)
Efforts shall be made in the development of the site plan to maximize access to the waterfront. This may include such features as visual corridors, reopening of previously lost scenic views, public walkways/boardwalks, benches, and the enhancement of natural features along the waterfront.
(Ord. 25-04. Passed 10-12-04.)