The purposes of the zoning districts established in Section 1131.01 are as follows:
(a) Institutional, Governmental and Open Space District (IGOS) is to provide areas for public and quasipublic uses and areas for recreation and conservation.
(b) Low Density Residential District (R-1) is to promote the orderly development of low density single-family residential uses.
(c) Medium High Density Residential District (R-3) is to promote the orderly development of medium high density single and two-family residential uses.
(d) High Density Residential District (R-4) is to promote the orderly development of high density single, two and multiple-family residential uses.
(e) Local Business District (LB) is to encourage the development of commercial uses that are often in close proximity to residential areas and are appropriate to meeting their day-to-day shopping and service needs.
(f) General Business District (GB) is to encourage the development of those commercial uses which tend to serve the larger community.
(g) Central Business District (CB) is to encourage the development of those commercial uses which tend to serve the larger community, and to guide the growth and development of the established core business district.
(h) Waterfront Business District (WB) is to provide areas for development of commercial uses which are desirable in waterfront areas and which make very intensive use of the waterfront.
(i) Accommodation Business District (AB) is to provide areas for development of commercial uses that serve the motoring public.
(j) Profession Business District (PB) is to allow for specific professional businesses to develop within designated residential neighborhoods as a result of complementary uses already existing within the neighborhood.
(k) Light Manufacturing District (M-1) is to encourage but regulate the development of limited nuisance manufacturing enterprises.
(l) Heavy Manufacturing District (M-2) is to encourage but regulate the development of heavy manufacturing enterprises which potentially may be high nuisance generators.
(m) Downtown Waterfront Overlay District (DWOD) is created to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare by providing for the consistent and coordinated treatment of properties in proximity to Lake Erie and its tributaries within the corporate limits of the City.
(n) Lakeshore Drive/Harrison Street West Waterfront Overlay District (LD/HWWOD) is created to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare by providing for the consistent and coordinated treatment of properties in proximity to Lake Erie and its tributaries within the corporate limits of the City.
(o) Perry Street Corridor Waterfront Overlay District (PCWOD) is created to promote and protect the public health, safety, comfort, convenience and general welfare by providing for the consistent and coordinated treatment of properties in proximity to Lake Erie and its tributaries within the corporate limits of the City. (Ord. 25-04. Passed 10-12-04.)