A Board of Park Trustees is created for the following described land:
The lands bounded on the south by the north line of Perry Street, on the east by the east line of Maple Street, projected on the north by the waters of Lake Erie and on the west by the centerline of Fulton Street projected.
   This Board shall consist of three members who shall be appointed by the Mayor and who shall serve for terms of six years, with one member appointed every two years, such terms to commence on January 1. Three original trustees shall be appointed as soon as this ordinance takes effect: one to be appointed for a term ending December 31, 1958; one to be appointed for a term ending December 31, 1960, and one to be appointed for a term ending December 31, 1962.
   The duty of these trustees shall be to hold title to the above described property and to enforce the conditions and restrictions contained in the deed of trust by which the City acquires title of such property, and such other and further duties as Council may from time to time assign to them.
(Ord. 14-57. Passed 3-26-57.)