The following words and phrases when used in this Chapter shall have the meaning set forth herein:
   (a)    "Taxicab" shall mean all public passenger motor vehicles carrying the public generally as passengers for hire, reward, gift, donation or other consideration either direct or indirect on the streets of the city, where route traveled and trip destination are controlled by the passenger and at a charge or fare.
In addition to such motor vehicles as are commonly known as taxicabs, the term "taxicab" includes all motor vehicles of every kind, character, and description which are used as taxicabs, cabs or for-hire cars, and engaged as such in the carriage of passengers for hire, reward, gift, donation or other consideration, either direct or indirect. Motor buses, and sight-seeing vehicles are specifically excluded.
   (b)    "Cab" shall mean taxicab.
   (c)    "Taxicab driver" or “driver” shall mean the person driving a taxicab.
   (d)    "Taxicab owner" or “Owner” shall mean every corporation, association, joint stock association, person, firm or copartnership, their lessees, directors, receivers, trustees, appointed by any court whatsoever, or the heirs, executors, administrators, or personal representatives or assigns of any deceased owner, owning, controlling, operating or managing any taxicab, provided, however, that a taxicab driver, driving a taxicab pursuant to a contract of employment or a lease arrangement with the holder of a license for such taxicab shall not be deemed a "taxicab owner".
   (e)    “Director” means the City Director of Safety and Service, or his/her authorized designee. (Ord. 09-11. Passed 4-26-11.)