§ 150.015 DEFINITIONS.
   For the purpose of this subchapter, the following definitions shall apply unless the context clearly indicates or requires a different meaning.
   ADDITION. Any construction added to an existing building which will increase the floor area of that building by 5% or more.
   ARCHITECT or ENGINEER. Any person registered pursuant to Neb. RS 81-847.
   BUILDING. Any structure which utilizes or will utilize a heating system, cooling system or domestic hot water system, including new or renovated buildings and additions, but not including any structure which has a consumption of traditional energy sources for all purposes not exceeding the energy equivalent of one watt per square foot.
   FLOOR AREA. The total area of a building, expressed in square feet, which is within the exterior face of the shell of the structure that is heated or cooled.
   PRIME CONTRACTOR. The person, persons, entity or entities who has a contract with the owner and is the one responsible for the overall construction of any building or the installation of any component which affects the energy efficiency of the building. PRIME CONTRACTOR shall also mean a property owner who performs the work of a prime contractor.
   RENOVATION. Alterations on an existing building which will cost more than 50% of the replacement cost of such building at the time work is commenced, or which was not previously heated or cooled for which a heating or cooling system is now proposed, except that the restoration of historic buildings shall not be included.
   RESIDENTIAL BUILDING. A building three stories or less that is used primarily as one or more dwelling units.
   STANDARD. Standard 90-75 of the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air Conditioning Engineers, Inc., as it existed on April 23, 1980.
   TRADITIONAL ENERGY SOURCES. Electricity, petroleum-based fuels, uranium, coal and all nonrenewable forms of energy.
(Prior Code, § 8-302)