Location | Type of Sign |
Location | Type of Sign |
East section of the Second Street and Iowa Street intersection | Stop |
North intersection of Court Street and Bluff Street | Yield |
North intersection of Court Street and Second Street | Stop |
North section of the Fourth Street and Ponca Street intersection | Stop |
North section of the Fourth Street and Union Street intersection | Stop |
Northeast corner of the East Street and East Third Street intersection | Stop |
South section of the First Street and East Street intersection | Stop |
South section of the Fourth Street and Ponca Street intersection | Stop |
West section of the Second Street and Iowa Street intersection | Stop |
(Res. 2011-06, passed 10-24-2011; Res. 2016-11, passed 10-24-2016; Res. 2016-12, passed 10-24-2016; Res. 2017-03, passed 3-27-2017; Res. 2017-12, passed 9-25-2017; Res. 2022-03, passed 4-27-2022)