A. Requirement: Site plans required for special use permits and preliminary development plans submitted concurrently with the application for approval of a supplemental planned unit development (PUD) zoning district on the same property, are always considered concurrent with the respective special use permit, or zoning map amendment actions and, therefore, do not require separate compliance with the application and review procedures of this section. For other site plans not requiring a public hearing, no permit shall be issued for a new structure or an extension or exterior improvement of an existing structure until such site plan has been submitted, reviewed, and approved in accordance with this section.
B. Exemptions: The community development director may waive the requirements of this section for "minor structures" and "minor improvements", as defined in section 11-2-2 of this title.
C. Application: Site plans must, at the time of submittal, be accompanied by the appropriate completed application form and supporting documentation required for public hearings as listed in subsection 11-17-2B of this chapter. The filing fee for all site plans and PUD final development plan applications shall be an amount established by the board of commissioners. The filing fee is not refundable.
D. Required Documents For Submittal: A site plan application shall consist of the following documents which, if approved, shall be evidence of conformance with the requirements described in these regulations, as well as serve as the basis for review and approval of the development plan by the TRC (technical review committee), the planning commission and board of commissioners:
1. Procedural Checklist: This form will be supplied to the applicant at the preapplication conference and is used to aid in facilitating orderly development of a site plan proposal.
2. Site Development Plan: The site plan is a graphic representation of the proposed development, and the following items are required to be included. The site plan may be shown on one or more sheets depending on the size and complexity of the proposal, or depending on the desire of the applicant to present the landscaping items separate from the primary site plan elements.
a. Name and address of property owner of record and developer, if different;
b. Graphic scale, north point, date, and legend;
c. Statement and/or signature by registered architect, landscape architect, engineer, or surveyor certifying that the plan has to the best of his/her knowledge, been designed in accordance with the master plan and applicable city ordinances and regulations;
d. Written legal description of the site, including the size of the property in acres;
e. Length of boundaries of the tract measured to the nearest foot;
f. Location and identification of abutting subdivisions, and relationship with airport approach zone, flood hazard area, or city limits, if applicable;
g. Existing physiographic characteristics including contour lines at two foot (2') intervals and identification of natural watercourses, floodplains, and wooded areas;
h. Proposed grading, where different from existing contours;
i. Location and size of existing and proposed easements, utilities, and public rights of way;
j. Location and typical cross sections of all proposed public and private streets;
k. Location, orientation, area, and height of existing and proposed buildings and other structures;
l. Location and dimensions of proposed lot lines;
m. Approximate intensity of residential uses, if any, expressed by number of dwelling units per acre;
n. Location and identification of land use types, including common areas and facilities that are to be owned and maintained privately;
o. Location, arrangement, and dimensions of off street parking and loading spaces, and access drives;
p. Location of fences and pedestrian walkways;
q. Location, area, height, and orientation of any signs not attached to buildings;
r. Location and type of solid waste disposal equipment, with screening materials shown or noted;
s. A storm water study, including location of all drainage channels, subsurface drainage structures, and detention plan;
t. A landscape plan demonstrating compliance with section 11-14-3 of this title;
u. A site plan proposing one acre or more in (disturbed) area shall be accompanied by a general permit OKR10 (erosion control plan) approved by the ODEQ (Oklahoma department of environmental quality);
v. A separate written request, as applicable, for any of the foregoing items to be waived or amended, with necessary explanations to justify the request;
w. Site plans prepared by CAD drawings shall be submitted in digital format, along with ten (10) paper copies.
E. Public Improvements: All public improvements proposed on the site plan shall conform to the applicable engineering standards, codes and regulations of the city of Ponca City. The standards and requirements contained in title 12 of this code shall be applicable for all publicly dedicated improvements within or adjacent to the site, regardless whether or not it is being subdivided.
F. Review: Upon compliance with all application requirements, site plans and PUD final development plans shall be reviewed by the technical review committee and the planning commission for compliance with this title, other relevant provisions of this code, the master plan, and potential beneficial and adverse affects of the proposed development to the neighborhood and general welfare of the city. The findings and recommendations of the planning commission shall then be reported to the board of commissioners. Upon required notice being given, the board of commissioners shall hold a public hearing in accordance with the provisions set forth in section 11-17-2 of this chapter to review the proposed site plan or PUD final development plan, receive comments from interested parties, and receive the recommendation of the planning commission.
G. Approval: The board of commissioners shall approve, approve conditionally, return to the planning commission for further study, or disapprove the site plan or PUD final development plan. In the case of any action other than approval, the board of commissioners shall state the reasons for its action. As a condition of approval, the board of commissioners may make additional requirements or restrictions as it deems appropriate including, but not limited to, requirements relating to building setbacks, drainage, buffers, light pollution, noise pollution, architectural compatibility, or signage to minimize the adverse effects of the development on the neighborhood and general welfare of the city. As a condition of approval, the board of commissioners may require improvements to be installed or bonded in accordance with title 12 of this code. Approval of a site plan or PUD final development plan shall be documented by signatures of the chairman of the planning commission and the mayor.
H. Amendment: Any change, erasure, modification, revision, or deviation from an approved site plan or PUD final development plan shall be considered invalid and a violation of the provision of this section unless said change, erasure, modification, revision, or deviation shall have first been reviewed and approved according to the notice and procedural requirements set forth in this section for new site plan applications. (Ord. 6034, 1-9-2006)