A. Lot Area And Width: No open space or lot area required for a structure shall, during its life, be occupied by, or counted as, open space for any other structure. Where no specific minimum lot sizes and open spaces are prescribed for a use or district, it is the intent of this title that lots be of sufficient size to provide adequate parking and loading space in accordance with the provisions of chapter 13 of this title.
B. Yards And Setbacks: A yard provided for a building or lot shall not be considered the yard for any other building or lot. Except as otherwise provided in this title, required yards shall be open and unobstructed from the ground to the sky. The following exceptions qualify and/or supplement these regulations:
1. Zoning District Boundaries: Where a lot in any zoning district adjoins, along an interior lot line, another zoning district whose yard requirements are more restrictive than those of the district in which such lot is located, structures on such lot shall observe the more restrictive requirements.
2. Obstructions In Required Yards: Accessory structures listed in section 11-5-1 of this title shall not be considered to be obstructions when located in a required yard if in conformance with the applicable provisions of section 11-5-1 of this title. The following exceptions modify subsection 11-5-1D of this title:
a. Arbors, trellises, statuary, flag poles, and signs permitted by chapter 12 of this title are exempt from all yard requirements except as may be applicable to signs in accordance with the provisions of chapter 12 of this title.
b. Children's play equipment and outdoor laundry drying apparatus are exempt from the minimum interior side and rear yard requirements.
c. Detached emergency shelters are permitted within a required front or side yard, provided that no part of such shelter shall exceed eighteen inches (18") in height above ground level.
3. Projections Into Yards: The following exceptions modify the standard minimum yard requirements with respect to principal structures:
a. Cornices, eaves, shade control devices, and awnings or canopies over doors and windows may project a distance not exceeding two feet (2') into the required yard.
b. Bay windows, balconies, and chimneys may project a distance not exceeding two feet (2'), provided that such features do not occupy, in total, more than one-third (1/3) of the length of the building wall on which they are located.
c. Fire escapes, and other uncovered stairs and landings may project a distance not exceeding three feet (3') into required yards.
d. Open terraces, decks, and porches not over thirty inches (30") above the average level of the adjoining ground may project a distance not exceeding five feet (5') into required yards; provided, that such projection extends no closer than five feet (5') to any interior side property line.
4. Earth Integrated Buildings: Entirely below grade portions of a building may extend to within five feet (5') of any property line where the normal minimum yard requirement is greater, provided that such construction does not encroach upon any dedicated easement; and provided, that such portions of the building can be constructed and maintained with no nuisance to adjacent properties. Earth berms may extend to within five feet (5') of any interior side property line, provided that the exterior wall of the building being bermed shall be set back from the property line a minimum of five feet (5'), plus one foot (1') for each one foot (1') of berm height above normal grade.
5. Sight Triangle: On any corner lot on which a front yard and exterior side yard are required, no wall, fence, sign, other structure, vehicle, or plant growth having a height in excess of three feet (3') above the elevation of the lowest point of the crown of the adjacent roadway shall be maintained in a triangle formed by measuring a distance of thirty feet (30') along both property lines from their point of intersection and connecting the points so established to form a triangle; except, however, that a single pole eighteen inches (18") or less in diameter supporting a permitted sign, or a single tree trunk may be placed in a sight triangle; provided, that the bottom of the sign or lowest tree branch when mature is at least twelve feet (12') above the elevation of the lowest point of the crown of the adjacent roadway.
6. Easements: Where a utility, drainage, private drive, or other recorded easement is wider than a minimum required building setback in the same location, the building setback from the property line shall be increased to include all of such easement.
C. Lot Coverage: Entirely below grade portions of a building extending beyond the exterior perimeter of above grade portions of the building shall not be counted in the lot coverage of the building.
D. Height: The following provisions qualify and/or supplement the specific district regulations:
1. Zoning District Boundaries: Where a lot in any zoning district adjoins, along an interior lot line, another zoning district whose height limitations are more restrictive than those of the district in which such lot is located, structures on such lot shall observe the more restrictive height requirements within one hundred feet (100') of such other district, whereby such maximum height limitation is to be measured as an elevation based upon the actual ground level at the zoning district boundary.
2. Nonhabitable Structures: Chimneys, elevators, poles, spires, tanks, towers, antennas, solar collectors, and other projections not used for human occupancy may extend up to fifteen feet (15') above the maximum permitted height prescribed for buildings in the applicable zoning district where such projections are attached to, or a part of, a building.
3. Airport Hazard: All uses in all districts located within a supplemental airport zone are subject to any more restrictive height limitations that may be required in accordance with the provisions of chapter 16 of this title.
E. Location In Floodplain: The establishment, construction, or alteration of all uses, structures, and buildings on any property located within a flood hazard area shall be subject to the provisions of title 10, chapter 10 of this code.
F. Residential Driveways And Parking:
1. Circle driveways requiring two (2) points of access from the same public right of way are prohibited on lots that are less than seventy five feet (75') in width at the front building line.
2. A minimum of fifty percent (50%) of the required front yard must remain an unpaved, pervious surface. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)