A. Purpose: These regulations are intended to require adequate off street parking and loading facilities for new land uses and enlargement of existing uses, proportional to the need created by each use, in order to alleviate traffic congestion. Design standards are included to ensure the usefulness of parking and loading facilities, protect the public safety, and, where appropriate, to mitigate potential adverse impacts on adjacent land uses. Except as otherwise noted, the regulations of this chapter shall apply to all uses in all districts.
B. Applicability: The regulations of this chapter apply to vehicular areas used for the display, parking, or storage. All off street parking and loading facilities for new, changed, or expanded uses shall be constructed according to a site plan submitted to the building official and approved as a condition of the building permit. Any existing building or use hereafter enlarged or structurally altered to the extent of increasing the floor area or use area less than or equal to fifty percent (50%) of the existing floor or use area shall be provided additional off street parking and loading facilities only for the added floor or use area in conformance with the applicable standards. Any existing building or use hereafter enlarged or structurally altered to the extent of increasing the floor area or use area more than fifty percent (50%) of the existing floor or use area shall be provided additional parking and loading facilities for the entire building in conformance with the applicable standards. The provisions of subsection 11-13-2C of this chapter shall apply to all existing and new parking and loading areas and drives as a condition of building permits for any remodeling or expansion, as well as for new construction.
C. Location: The entire off street motor vehicle loading facilities required by this chapter shall be located on the same lot as the principal building or use being served, and the entire off street motor vehicle parking facilities required by this chapter shall be located on, or within five hundred feet (500') of, the property that uses the spaces. Public street and alley widths shall not be counted in calculating compliance with the five hundred foot (500') limitation. All off street parking facilities located in an R-1, R-2, R-2M, or R-3 district shall be intended to serve a use permitted in said districts. Required parking spaces may be provided in a carport or garage, provided that such is utilized and maintained in accordance with the provisions of this section.
D. Ownership: The ownership of land upon which the required off street parking is located shall be the same as the ownership of land on which the principal use is located, except as may be otherwise permitted in accordance with the collective parking provisions of subsection 11-13-3A of this chapter.
E. Utilization: Required accessory off street parking facilities provided for the uses hereinafter listed shall be only for the parking of motor vehicles in operating condition of patrons, occupants, or employees of such uses, and shall be maintained for the duration of the use requiring such areas. The type and size of motor vehicles allowed to be parked in accessory off street parking areas in residential districts shall be limited in accordance with the applicable provisions of section 11-5-1 of this title. Required accessory off street parking and loading facilities shall not be used for the sale, display, or storage of merchandise, except in accordance with section 11-5-3 of this title, nor shall such facilities be used for the storage, repair, or dismantling of vehicles or equipment for profit.
F. Maintenance: All parking and loading facilities, including garages, shall be maintained to assure desirability and usefulness of the facility. Such facilities shall be kept free of holes, mud, dust, trash, and other debris, and shall at all times be available for the off street parking or loading use for which they are required or intended. Further, all required landscaping and screening shall be maintained or replaced as necessary to assure continued conformance with the applicable standards. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)