A.   Intent:
      1.   The hospital-medical complex district is of special and substantial public interest because of its significance to the provisions for overall health care services and facilities for Ponca City and the surrounding region. The type of development that occurs within this area will have a direct impact on the future of health care services as well as an impact on the surrounding residential and commercial areas.
      2.   It is the intent of these regulations to promote a superior level of convenience, comfort, and amenity within the district; to encourage a safe and pleasant pedestrian circulation; and to assure beneficial visual relationships within the district, and with adjoining districts.
      3.   To these ends, development shall be designed to establish an open "campus type" effect within the hospital-medical office district, with a pedestrian circulation system forming a convenient and coordinated network between and among the medical offices and the hospital facility.
      4.   The commercial area along 14th Street is to be designed in such a manner that will provide a lessening of traffic congestion, and that will promote groupings of activities and buildings in order to provide additional amenities for customers and employees alike.
      5.   To accomplish the objective for future development, this SPI district is divided into three (3) subdistricts: hospital- medical, residential, and commercial.
   B.   Permitted Principal Uses And structures: The following uses are allowed within the respective subdistricts of the hospital- medical complex district:
      1.   Hospital-Medical:
         a.   Professional office buildings.
         b.   Retail sales establishments dealing primarily in sales of medical related goods and supplies.
         c.   Medical clinics and laboratories.
         d.   Service establishments dealing primarily with providing service or repair of medically related goods, or with providing medical counseling or therapy services.
         e.   Structures and uses required for the operation of a public utility or performance of a governmental function, except uses or buildings involving storage as a primary purpose.
         f.   Parking lots.
      2.   Commercial:
         a.   Retail establishments, except service stations, new or used automotive, trailer, mobile home, or motorcycle sales and services; or establishments dealing with secondhand merchandise other than antiques.
         b.   Eating and drinking establishments.
         c.   Office buildings.
         d.   Service establishments, including personal and repair services other than repair services for automotive and heavy equipment.
         e.   Amusement and recreational enterprises.
      3.   Residential: Single-family detached dwellings.
   C.   Permitted Accessory Uses And Structures: Uses and structures which are customarily accessory and clearly incidental to permitted principal uses and structures shall be permitted in each of the respective subdistricts, subject to the general restrictions on permitted principal uses and structures.
   D.   Floor Area Ratio: Gross floor area of buildings, with the exceptions noted at subsection L of this section shall not exceed one and six-tenths (1.6) times gross lot area within the commercial and hospital-medical subdistricts; provided, that within the low profile area of the hospital-medical subdistrict the floor area ratio shall not exceed five-tenths (0.5) times the gross lot area. Residential floor area ratios shall be the same or equivalent to the requirements of the single-family zoning district.
   E.   Lot Coverage: Lot coverage of buildings shall not exceed twenty five percent (25%) of the gross lot area for the hospital- medical and commercial subdistricts. Lot coverage in the residential subdistrict shall be the same as or equivalent to the requirements of the single-family zoning district.
   F.   Pedestrian Open space: Pedestrian or landscaped open space shall be provided in an amount equal to at least twenty five percent (25%) of the net lot area. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
   G.   Height Limitation: There shall be no height limitations for this district, but height limits may be set for all developments within the low profile area of the hospital-medical district. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. 2003 Code)
   H.   Sign Limitations: No sign intended to be read from any public street shall be permitted except as provided below.
   I.   Off Site Signs, Billboards And Poster Panels: Off site signs, billboards and poster panels will be prohibited.
   J.   Mounting Of Signs: Mounting of signs shall be only upon buildings, and no sign shall project more than three feet (3') beyond the wall on which mounted, or four feet (4') above the roof of the building; no sign shall project over any public way. However, within the hospital-medical subdistrict signs may be placed at the entrances to parking facilities or in front of professional office buildings in accordance with the provisions of subsection K of this section.
   K.   Number And Area Limitations:
      1.   For signs erected with their highest portions below a height of twenty feet (20') above curb level, minimum sign allotment shall be one sign and not to exceed thirty (30) square feet of surface area for each twenty feet (20') (or remaining portion of 10 feet or more) of lot line adjacent to a public street. Such sign area may be used in a lesser number of signs than the maximum permitted. Signs permitted shall be erected only on the exposure of the property from which the allotment is computed.
      2.   Signs erected with their lowest portions at or above a height of twenty feet (20') above curb level on buildings or portions of buildings shall be only general identification signs designating the name of the building and/or the name and nature of establishments therein. Only one such sign shall be permitted for each exposed face of the building, except that where the length of the building face exceeds one hundred fifty feet (150'), a second sign shall be permitted. Minimum area allotment for any such signs shall be one hundred (100) square feet or two percent (2%) of the surface area of the building involved, up to a maximum of three hundred (300) square feet.
      3.   Within the hospital-medical subdistrict freestanding signs will be permitted at the entrance to parking facilities and/or at the front of buildings, providing the design and surface area is approved by the planning commission and board of commissioners in accordance with the provisions of this subsection.
   L.   Off Street Parking And Loading Requirements: Off street parking and loading shall be in accordance with general parking and loading requirements applying in limited commercial districts. In the course of plan approval on development involving multiple uses with different peak hours for parking requirements, reduction of total requirements may be permitted, subject to appropriate conditions and safeguards assuring adequate parking for all uses involved at peak demand periods.
   M.   Applications; Plan Review And Approval:
      1.   Before a permit is issued for the construction of any building or reconstruction or alteration resulting in enlargement of any building, detailed site plans, building plans and elevations, and maps or plans indicating the relation of the proposed development to surrounding or otherwise affected property in terms of: location, amount, character, and continuity of open space; protection of desirable principal views; convenience of access through and between buildings or in other locations where appropriate for public purposes and where such access will reduce pedestrian congestion on public streets; separation of pedestrian and vehicular traffic; signs; lighting; and such other matters as are appropriate to determinations in the circumstances of the case, shall be submitted to the planning commission for its recommendations. After due consideration, the commission shall transmit its recommendations and the application to the board of commissioners for its approval.
      2.   No such permit shall be issued without such approval. Approval may be granted for the plans as submitted, or conditionally, subject to stated modifications, or may be denied, with written reasons for the denial supplied to the applicant.
      3.   Public hearings may be held in connection with such plan review process, with such public or other notice as is deemed appropriate, but shall not be required. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)
      4.   Determinations on such applications shall be based on compliance with the intent of the hospital-medical complex plan and other officially adopted plans or ordinance of the city in accordance therewith, and in particular shall involve consideration of the intent of the district, regulations for the district, and the necessity for variations in the circumstances of the particular case. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999; amd. 2003 Code)
   N.   Area Of Hospital-Medical Complex District: Said district shall comprise the following described area:
Beginning at the center line of Hartford Avenue and Joe Street; thence north along the center line of Joe Street, approximately 1,090 feet to the center line of Joe Street and the alley south of Young Avenue; thence east along the center line of the alley south of Young Avenue, approximately 470 feet; thence north, between Lots 7 and 8 of Lake Subdivision, 170 feet to the center line of Young Avenue; thence continuing north along the center line of the alley west of Fairview to a point on the north line of the southeast quarter (SE 1/4) of Section 15, Township 26 North, Range 2 East of the Indian Meridian, Kay County, Oklahoma; thence east along said line a distance of approximately 525 feet; thence south, fifty (50) feet to a point on the center line of the fifty-foot alley easement; thence, continuing south along the center line of the fifty-foot alley easement, a distance of approximately 1,360 feet, to a point on the center line of the alley easement; thence east a distance of 150 feet along the lot line of Lots 42 and 43, Garden Acres Addition; thence south 300 feet to a point on the north right-of- way line of Patton Drive; thence continuing south a distance of 124 feet; thence southeasterly, 170 degrees 06 minutes, a distance of 66 feet; thence continuing southeasterly, thence 178 degrees, 36 minutes, a distance of 48.1 feet; thence continuing southeasterly, 133 degrees, 29 minutes, a distance of 57.7 feet to a point on the west right-of-way line of North 14th Street, thence south 375 feet to a point on the center line of Hartford Avenue; thence south 375 feet to a point on Hartford Avenue; thence south 375 feet to a point on the center line of Hartford Avenue; thence continuing south a distance of 280 feet to a point on the center line of Gary Avenue extended; thence west along the center line of Gary Avenue to a point on the center line of Joe Street extended, thence north along the center line of Joe Street extended, a distance of 290 feet to the true point of beginning.
      (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)