A. Purpose Of Regulations: The regulations for residential districts are designed to:
1. Protect the residential character of areas so designated by excluding therefrom principal commercial and industrial activities;
2. Encourage a suitable environment for family life by accommodating appropriate neighborhood facilities such as churches, schools, and playgrounds;
3. Permit certain institutions and utility facilities considered necessary in, and compatible with, residential neighborhoods;
4. Preserve openness of the living areas, facilitate privacy, and avoid overcrowding;
5. Make available areas suitable for a variety of dwelling types and densities; and
6. Protect residential areas against hazardous or objectionable influences.
B. Districts Described: The individual residential districts are described as follows:
1. R-1 Single-Family Dwelling District: The R-1 district is the most restrictive residential district in that the only dwelling type permitted is a conventional detached single-family house on a lot of not less than seven thousand two hundred (7,200) square feet in size.
2. R-2 Two-Family Dwelling District: The R-2 district is generally located adjacent to multi-family, high population density areas and is designed to permit a transition from high density residential and high land value areas to the single-family residential and to secure the character as outlined in the R-1 district.
3. R-2M Medium Density Dwelling District: The R-2M district is intended to provide for medium population density and can provide more flexibility in design and more variety in residential development. It is intended that the district will provide incentives for infill housing consistent with the existing character and density of an area. The principal use of this district is for garage apartments, zero lot line homes, duplexes, tri-plexes, four-plexes, townhouses, and condominiums. Apartment complexes with maximum of eight (8) attached dwelling units per structure will be allowed. Professional offices shall also be allowed upon review as provided in the permitted uses table, section 11-6-2.1 of this chapter.
4. R-3 Multi-Family Dwelling: The R-3 district is a high population density area generally located adjacent to commercial districts. It is intended that this district retain its residential character but to allow professional offices. Local commercial is allowed upon review as provided in the permitted use table, section 11-6-2.1 of this chapter.
5. RMHP Mobile Home Park Dwelling District: The RMHP district is established in which the principal use of land is for single-family mobile home dwellings located in a park setting in which lots are not individually owned.
6. RMHS Mobile Home Subdivision Dwelling District: The RMHS district is established in which the principal use of land is for single-family mobile home dwellings which have been designed and platted into individual lots and which may be sold fee simple. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)