A. Family Daycare Homes: Family daycare homes are permitted as a home occupation according to the provisions of subsection 11-5-1B15 of this chapter, and as an accessory use according to the provisions of subsection 11-5-1B16 of this chapter.
B. Child Daycare Centers: Child daycare centers, as described in subsection 11-4-2C6 of this title, may be permitted as a principal use in certain districts, subject to obtaining a special use permit and subject to the following conditions:
1. Such use shall comply with all rules, regulations, and licensing requirements adopted by the State of Oklahoma through its Department of Human Services.
2. Adequate off street loading areas shall be convenient for the customers.
3. If located in a Single-Family Residential District, such use shall:
a. Be permitted only upon compliance with section 11-17-4 of this title.
b. Be so developed, maintained, and operated that the building and yards have the appearance and character of a single-family dwelling, and do not detract from abutting single-family dwelling properties.
c. Be designed such that there is no play equipment or care of children in the front or side yard, and such that all outdoor facilities shall be placed within a rear yard that is totally enclosed by a fence with an automatically closing and latching gate.
C. Group Homes: Group homes are a use allowed by right in all residential districts and may be established in other specified zoning districts as a special use, provided the owner of such group home shall first submit an application to the city and the following conditions are met:
1. The proposed group home will be a minimum of one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') from any other group home or similar community residential facility serving persons in drug, alcohol, juvenile, child, parole, and other program of treatment, care supervision, or rehabilitation in a residential setting.
2. The group home has been licensed by the state department of health.
3. The applicant submits an application for a special use permit and a fee in an amount established by the city commission and a list of names and addresses of all property owners within three hundred feet (300') for the purpose of mailing notification to the affected property owners of the intent to establish a group home. The notice shall include:
a. The legal description of the property;
b. The street address or approximate location of the group home; and
c. A statement regarding the nature of the group home to be established, supervision and number of residents.
D. Residential Care/Rehabilitative Centers: Residential care/rehabilitative centers may be established in various zoning districts upon obtaining a special use permit as outlined in section 11-17-4 of this title, subject to approval by the city commission following public hearing(s). Residential care/rehabilitative centers include community residential facilities serving persons in drug, alcohol, juvenile, child, parole, family shelters, battered spouse shelters, halfway houses, and other programs of treatment, care supervision, or rehabilitation in a residential setting, and shall be a minimum of one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') from any other group home or similar residential care/rehabilitative center as defined above.
1. The proposed residential care/rehabilitative centers will be a minimum of one thousand two hundred feet (1,200') from any other group home or similar community residential facility serving persons in drug, alcohol, juvenile, child, parole, and other program of treatment, care supervision, or rehabilitation in a residential setting.
2. The residential care/rehabilitative center has been licensed, if required, by the state department of health.
3. The applicant submits an application for a special use permit and a fee in an amount established by the city commission and a list of names and addresses of all property owners within three hundred feet (300') for the purpose of mailing notification to the affected property owners of the intent to establish a group home. The notice shall include:
a. The legal description of the property;
b. The street address or approximate location of the center; and
c. A statement regarding the nature of the center to be established, supervision and number of residents. (Ord. 5916, 8-9-1999)