A.   City Registration Required: No person shall work at the occupation or engage in the business of installing, altering, replacing or repairing any mechanical equipment, fixtures or apparatus within the city without registering with the mechanical inspector and securing a mechanical contractor's registration. The mechanical inspector shall issue such registration upon presentation of a valid license or registration issued by the state construction industries board and upon payment of the required fee. (Ord. 6125, 7-12-2010)
   B.   Term Of Registration; Bond And Insurance: Applicants for certificates of registration, after complying with the laws of the state and with the city code, and after payment of the fee hereinafter specified, shall be registered by the city. The registration shall expire annually, on June 30, but may be renewed from year to year. Mechanical contractors desiring to renew their registration shall furnish the same evidence of compliance with state licensing laws and an official copy of the approved bond and insurance filed with the state of Oklahoma.
   C.   Expiration; Renewal: All mechanical registrations not renewed within ninety (90) days after the date of expiration thereof shall be canceled, and a new application for registration must be made and the fee for a new registration must be paid.
   D.   Fee: The fee for registration shall be as set forth by the board of commissioners by resolution.
   E.   Exemptions: All services performed by utility companies operating under a franchise agreement, and the employees of such utility companies or city, are hereby exempt from subsection A of this section for work done under the supervision and direction of the utility companies or city. (2003 Code)