A.   Truck Routes:
      1.   The city traffic engineer is authorized to designate streets, parts of streets or specific lanes as truck routes and appropriately sign said routes.
      2.   When posted with appropriate signing the driver of any vehicle exceeding a gross weight of five thousand (5,000) pounds shall not deviate from such truck route except where the point of destination cannot be reached directly by such route, in which event the shortest route of deviation from the truck route shall be used.
      3.   All truck routes shall be based on traffic engineering studies and the traffic engineer shall adopt truck route maps to be kept on file in his office, the police department, and traffic violations bureau. (1980 Code § 34-316)
   B.   Load Restrictions:
      1.   The city traffic engineer is authorized to designate streets or parts of streets upon which the operation of any vehicle with a gross weight in excess of certain amounts shall be prohibited at any time.
      2.   When signs are posted by the city traffic engineer on any street or part of a street specifying prohibited weight limits, it shall be unlawful for any person to operate any vehicle exceeding such posted weight upon such street or portion of a street. (1980 Code § 34-317)
   C.   Vehicles Transporting Liquefied Petroleum Gases:
      1.   "Liquefied petroleum gases" as used herein include any material predominantly composed of gasoline, propane, propylene, butane, isobutane, butylenes, naphtha or mixtures of same.
      2.   All transport vehicles carrying liquefied petroleum gases shall be so constructed and operated in compliance with regulations approved by the National Board Of Fire Underwriters, National Fire Protection Association, and Oklahoma petroleum gas administrator. Said transport vehicles shall be kept in good working condition at all times and upon the development of any defect that might create a hazard to persons or property, the vehicle shall be removed from the streets until the defect is corrected. Transport vehicles are subject to inspection by the chief of the fire department.
      3.   No such transport vehicle shall be parked inside any building except while undergoing repairs or within a building used for the storage of such vehicles. Said vehicles shall not be parked within any building for any purpose unless the tank is empty. No transport vehicle shall be parked or stored:
         a.   In any place other than a district designated by the fire chief, except while making deliveries or receiving service or repairs.
         b.   Within any residence district.
         c.   Upon any street or alley, except while making deliveries. (1980 Code § 34-318; amd. 2003 Code)