A.   The emergency management authority of the city is vested in the mayor, who shall have the power to delegate the authority to other individuals, committees or organizations. Such powers to be exercised by the vice mayor in the absence of the mayor.
Should exigencies warrant, the city manager may proclaim the existence of a state of emergency which edict shall remain in force until such time as the mayor or city commission shall either ratify or repeal the same.
   B.   The Mayor, during the existence of a state of emergency, by proclamation, may, in the area affected by public disorder, disaster, or riot at the time of the proclamation is issued:
      1.   Prohibit any person being on the public streets, or in the public parks or at any other public place during the hours declared by the Mayor to be a period of curfew;
      2.   Prohibit a designated number of persons from assembling or gathering on the public streets, parks or other areas either public or private;
      3.   Prohibit the transporting, possessing or using of gasoline, kerosene, or combustible, flammable, or explosive liquids or materials in a glass or uncapped container of any kind except in connection with the normal operation of motor vehicles, normal home use or legitimate commercial use; (Ord. 6030, 10-24-2005)
      4.   (Rep. by Ord. 6044, 7-24-2006)
      5.   Prohibit the sale, purchase or dispensing of alcoholic beverages; (Ord. 6259, 6-11-2018, eff. 10-1-2018)
      6.   Prohibit the sale, purchase or dispensing of other commodities or goods, as (s)he reasonably believes should be prohibited to help preserve and maintain life, health, property or the public peace;
      7.   Prohibit the use of certain streets, highways or public ways by the public;
      8.   Prohibit such other activities as (s)he reasonably believes should be prohibited to help preserve and maintain life, health, property or the public peace;
      9.   Waive competitive bidding and other statutory provisions in the conduct of government which would be time consuming to the detriment of the health, welfare and safety of persons and/or property;
      10.   Requisition public and privately held resources for transportation, fuel and its transportation, public shelter and quarantine, foodstuffs, and medical supplies and equipment;
      11.   Declare quarantine;
      12.   Restrict the passage of people and goods into and out of the City or within its interior;
      13.   Mandate the cancellation of events wherein a significant number of persons may be anticipated to gather.
   C.   Pursuant to the Oklahoma Emergency Management Act of 2003 and specifically section 683.11(F) the Mayor and the Board of Commissioners are authorized to exercise emergency powers without regard to time consuming procedures and formalities prescribed by law (excepting mandatory constitutional requirements) pertaining to the performance of public work, entering into contracts, incurring obligations, the employment of temporary workers, the rental of equipment, the purchase of supplies and materials, and the appropriation and expenditure of public funds.
   D.   The Mayor may impose the emergency powers herein contemplated for such times, upon such conditions, with such exceptions and in such areas as (s)he from time to time deems necessary, subject to the Board of Commissioners' power to terminate. (Ord. 6030, 10-24-2005)