A.   Grantor reserves the right to lay or permit to be laid cables, electric conduits, water, sewer, gas or other pipelines and to do or permit to be done any underground work deemed necessary and proper by the grantor, along, across, over or under the public ways. In permitting such work to be done, the grantor shall not be liable to the grantee for any damages so occasioned nor shall the grantor in doing such work be liable to the grantee for any damages not wilfully and unnecessarily occasioned.
   B.   Whenever by reason of establishing a grade or changes in the grade of any street or in the location or manner of construction of any public way, cables, electric conduits, water, sewer, gas or other underground structures, it shall be deemed necessary by the grantor to alter, change, adapt or conform any portion of grantee's distribution system located in the public ways, such alterations or changes shall be made within a reasonable time by the grantee, as ordered in writing by the grantor, without claim for reimbursement or compensation for damages against grantor; provided, however, that this section is not intended to require grantee to alter, change, adapt or conform any portion of its distribution system without reimbursement or compensation where the right to locate same, whether by private right of way, utility easement or otherwise, was acquired prior to its location in the public way.
   C.   If grantor shall require the grantee to adapt or conform its distribution system, or in any way to alter, relocate or change its property to enable any other person, firm, corporation or entity (whether public or private), other than the grantor, to use the public ways, the grantee shall be reimbursed by the person, firm, corporation or entity desiring or occasioning such change for any and all loss, cost or expense occasioned thereby.
   D.   "Person", "firm", "corporation", and "entity" as used in subsection C of this section shall not include regular departments of the grantor, or any trust or authority formed by or for the benefit of grantor for public utility purposes, but shall include any other agency or authority of the city, whether acting in a governmental or nongovernmental capacity, including, but not limited to, any urban renewal authority, or any other agency or authority, which as a part of its program clears whole tracts of land within the city limits and relocates citizens for the purpose of urban development or similar aims. (Ord. 6053, 5-9-2007)