(A)   There is hereby established a Building Department, which shall have charge of all inspections necessary in connection with the construction and erection of buildings, the improvement and use of land, and the enforcement of the building ordinances of the city.
   (B)   There shall be a Building Official, who shall be head of the Department.
   (C)   There shall be a Chief Building Inspector, working under the supervision of the Building Official. There shall be a Chief Electrical Inspector, a Chief Plumbing Inspector and a Chief Mechanical Inspector, working under the supervision of the Building Official. There may be assistants, office managers, clerks, secretaries or other employees as required, and approved by the City Manager.
(Special Acts, Ch. 57-1754, § 52) ('58 Code, § 7.02; Am. Ord. 84-62, passed 6-5-84; Am. Ord. 87-52, passed 6-16-87; Am. Ord. 97-26, passed 12-10-96)
Editor's note:
   Section 152.02 is composed of provisions heretofore set out as Art. IX, section 52 of the Charter. The transfer of this section was at the specific request of the city, pursuant to the Municipal Home Rule Powers Act.