   Every person who commits, attempts to commit, conspires to commit, or aids or abets in the committing of, any act declared herein to be in connection with one or more other persons, or as a principal, agent, or accessory, shall be guilty of the offense, and every person who falsely, fraudulently, forcibly or willfully induces, causes, coerces, requires, permits, or directs another to violate any provision of this chapter will likewise be charged with the same or other applicable offenses.
(Ord. 96-23, passed 12-12-95)
   (A)   The Police Chief or his designee shall have the authority to place, maintain or remove traffic control signs, signals, lane markings and other devices and shall determine the hours and days during which any traffic-control device shall be in operation or be in effect, when and as required pursuant to any official action of the City Commission, City Administration, or under the direction of the Chief of Police. The Chief of Police or his designee may place and maintain additional traffic-control devices as he deems necessary pursuant to F.S. § 316.008 (1994 Supp.) as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, to regulate, warn, or guide traffic; however, no official traffic control device shall be erected or maintained at any location so as to regulate the traffic on any state road unless approval in writing has first been obtained from the Department of Transportation.
   (B)   No provision of this traffic code for which signs or markings are required shall be enforced against an alleged violator, if at the time and place of the alleged violation an official sign or marking is not in proper position and sufficiently legible to be seen by an ordinarily observant person.
(Ord. 96-23, passed 12-12-95)
   The Chief of Police or his designee is hereby authorized to enforce the applicable provisions of F.S. Ch. 316 as currently enacted or as amended from time to time.
(Ord. 96-23, passed 12-12-95)
   (A)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to prohibit all-night parking, and to erect signs giving notice thereof, on any street or portion thereof, whenever in his opinion the prohibition is necessary or advisable in the interest of public safety.
   (B)   The Chief of Police or his designee shall determine the location of angle parking zones, and shall erect and maintain appropriate signs indicating this and giving notice thereof. Angle parking shall not be permitted on any state road unless approval has been granted by the Department of Transportation.
   (C)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to prohibit parking on either or both sides of any street adjacent to any school property, and to erect signs giving notice thereof, when the parking in his opinion would interfere with traffic or create a hazardous situation.
   (D)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to prohibit parking on any street when the width of the roadway does not exceed 20 feet, or on one side of a street when the width of the roadway does not exceed 30 feet, and to erect signs giving notice thereof.
   (E)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to determine when standing or parking may be permitted on the left-hand side of streets which include two or more separate roadways and to erect signs giving notice thereof.
   (F)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to designate certain streets where parking shall be prohibited at all times.
   (G)   The Chief of Police or his designee shall designate certain places where parking shall be prohibited at all times and shall erect signs giving notice thereof.
   (H)   The Chief of Police or his designee shall erect signs in each block limiting the parking time on certain streets and giving notice thereof.
   (I)   The Chief of Police or his designee shall have the authority to place, maintain or remove signs, signals or other markings or devices, on any city sidewalk, street, parking lot or any city property as he deems necessary, pursuant to F.S. § 316.008, as currently enacted or as amended from time to time, prohibiting the use of rollerblades or rollerskates and/or skateboards and/or bicycles thereon by any person, and failure to comply with any such sign, signal, marking or device shall constitute a punishable violation.
(Ord. 96-23, passed 12-12-95; Am. Ord. 97-3, passed 10-8-96)
   (A)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to prohibit or restrict the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles on any street, alley and wherever the public has the right to travel by motor vehicle within the corporate limits, and to erect official traffic-control devices and signals, if in his opinion, stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles interferes with the movement of vehicular traffic thereon. No person shall stop, stand, or park any vehicles in violation of this section.
   (B)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to prohibit the standing or parking of vehicles on the left-hand side of any one-way street and to erect signs giving notice thereof.
   (C)   The Chief of Police or his designee is authorized to designate by proper signs, places not exceeding 100 feet in length in which the stopping, standing, or parking of vehicles would create an especially hazardous condition or would cause unusual delay to traffic.
(Ord. 96-23, passed 12-12-95)