An employee who is promoted to a position in a higher pay grade shall have his salary increased by the percentage difference between the pay grade of his current classification and the higher classification, however, if the percentage difference between the two pay grades exceeds 15% the employee's salary will be increased to the minimum of the new pay grade or 15% whichever is the greater. The employee's new salary may exceed 15% of the lower pay grade or the minimum of the new pay grade when, in the discretion of the City Manager, the employee's experience and qualifications warrant. In no case shall an employee who is promoted to a position in a higher pay grade be paid a salary less than that which he was receiving in his position prior to his promotion. An employee whose position is reclassified to a higher classification because the position will require increased complexity, increased responsibilities and/or a higher level of duties shall have his or her salary increased in the same manner as if he or she were promoted to the new classification. However, an employee whose position is reclassified to a higher classification due to market changes with no change in duties shall have his or her salary increased to the minimum of the new pay grade only if the employee's salary is below the minimum of the new pay grade. Otherwise the employee's salary may only increase due to an annual performance review or by a discretionary decision of the City Manager. In either case the employee's salary may not exceed the maximum salary of the new position.
(‘58 Code, § 11.86) (Ord. 69-85, passed 9-9-69; Am. Ord. 91-81, passed 9-10-91; Am. Ord. 97-35, passed 2-11-97; Am. Ord. 2014-59, passed 9-9-14)