(A)   The Emergency Medical Services Advisory Board shall advise the City Commission in all matters pertaining to the providing of emergency medical services within the city. For purposes of this subchapter, EMERGENCY MEDICAL SERVICES is defined as emergency diagnostic and treatment services rendered to any ill or injured person at the scene of the onset of illness or injury. The services are rendered by paramedical personnel who perform these services at the direction of a medical practitioner at a remote location who is kept apprised of the condition of the ill or injured person by voice radio communication and telemetered physiological data.
   (B)   The members of the Board shall meet and organize by electing from the membership a Chairman. The Board may adopt rules and regulations for the conduct of its meetings, including the methods of calling a meeting. The Board shall keep minutes of its meetings, copies of these minutes to be provided to the City Commission. The Board shall make an annual report to the City Commission, and shall make any other reports as may from time to time be requested by the City Commission or desired to be submitted by the Board.
('58 Code, § 16.27) (Ord. 76-3, passed 10-21-75)