(A)   Any dog at large which by its action is deemed by the Chief of Police or his designated representative to be dangerous as defined in § 92.106, and cannot safely be taken up and impounded, may be slain by the Police Department.
   (B)   The Chief of Police or his designee may order the destruction of a dog that it determines to be dangerous to public health or safety, a dog that has made a vicious attack upon an individual, or a dog declared dangerous whose owner is unable or unwilling to adequately restrain it.
   (C)   The Chief of Police or his designee shall give personal service or written notice by certified mail of his intention to destroy such dog to the owner or custodian of the dog, who may request in writing, within ten calendar days after delivery of such notice, a hearing to contest the intended destruction.
   (D)   If no hearing is requested pursuant to division (C), the dog shall be humanly destroyed.
   (E)   If a hearing is requested pursuant to division (C), such hearing shall be held within ten calendar days after the request and the dog shall not be destroyed prior to the conclusion of the hearing.
   (F)   The dog owner shall be responsible for payment of all boarding costs and other fees as may be required for the city to humanely and safely keep the animal during any legal proceeding and for the destruction of the animal.
(Ord. 20-06, passed 7-6-20)