(A)   (1)   When the Chief of Police or his designee intends to impound a dog declared to be dangerous for a violation of § 92.111, he shall notify the owner of the dog, by personal service or certified mail as provided in § 92.109, of the intended impoundment at least five business days prior to the intended impoundment, except as provided in § 92.115.
      (2)   The notice of intent to impound shall inform the owner of the dog that he or she may request in writing, within five business days prior to the intended impoundment, a hearing to contest the intended impoundment and finding of violation.
   (B)   Upon request by the owner of the dog for a hearing pursuant to division (A), a hearing shall be held within ten calendar days. Notice of the hearing shall be provided by personal service or certified mail to the dog’s owner or custodian requesting such hearing.
   (C)   If the owner requests a hearing pursuant to division (B), no impoundment shall take place until conclusion of the hearing, except as authorized in § 92.114.
(Ord. 20-06, passed 7-6-20)