(A) Unlicensed. Any unlicensed dog which is impounded shall be securely chained or confined, separate from all other impounded dogs, for a period of four days. If a cat or dog so impounded remains unclaimed, it shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Chief of Police or his designated representative. If any person desires to own, keep, maintain or harbor such an impounded dog or cat, such dog or cat may be redeemed only after the fourth day of impoundment by payment of all impounding costs and satisfaction of all licensing requirements.
(B) Licensed. Any licensed dog which is impounded shall be securely chained or confined, separate from all other impounded dogs. The Police Department shall, within 24 hours of such impounding, attempt by telephone or registered mail to notify the owner of record of such licensed dog. Such dog may be redeemed by the owner only upon payment of all impounding fees and execution of a certification that the dog involved will not be sold, given away, destroyed or otherwise disposed of for a period of ten days from the date of release and further, that the dog will voluntarily be impounded by the owner should such dog later be suspected of having bitten or injured any person during the period such dog was at large. Should a licensed dog remain unclaimed after four days' impounding, the dog shall be eligible for redemption by interested persons other than the owner of record in accordance with all applicable requirements of this subchapter. All unredeemed and unwanted dogs and cats, regardless of licensing status, shall be disposed of at the discretion of the Chief of Police after the fourth day of impounding.
(C) Licensed without identification. The Police Department shall not be required to notify an owner of the impounding of a licensed dog if such dog lacks the proper means of identification when impounded. A reasonable effort to identify the owner shall be made from whatever source is available. Redemption and disposal of such dog shall be as set forth in division (B) of this section.
(Ord. 20-06, passed 7-6-20)