§ 135.99 PENALTY.
   Except as otherwise permitted by this code, every tavern keeper or other person possession or assisting in possessing, in any place occupied by him or her, any gambling device, in order that the same may, for hire, gain or reward be used for the purpose of amusement; or who assists any gambling device of that kind to be used upon any part of his or her premises, for the purpose of gaming for money of other property; or who assists or entices any person to play an unlawful game or sport therein, shall, for the first offense, be fined not less than $100. For the second and any subsequent offenses he or she shall be fined not less than $500 and may, at the discretion of the Local Liquor Commissioner, be required to forfeit his or her liquor license and shall not again be licensed as a tavern keeper for at least one year from the date of his or her most recent conviction.
(Ord. 12-06, passed 6-18-12)