(A)   Scope of regulations. The off-street parking and loading provisions of this chapter shall apply as follows:
      (1)   For all situations and buildings erected and all uses of land established after August 4, 1986, accessory parking and loading facilities shall be provided as required by the regulations of the district in which such buildings or uses are located. However, where a building permit has been issued prior to August 4, 1986, and provided that construction is begun within one year of such effective date, and diligently prosecuted to completion, parking and loading facilities as required hereinafter need not be provided.
      (2)   When the intensity of use of any building, structure, or premises shall be increased through addition of dwelling units, gross floor area, seating capacity or other units of measurement specified herein for required parking or loading facilities, parking and loading facilities as required herein shall be provided for such increase in intensity of use.
      (3)   Whenever the existing use of a building or structure shall hereafter be changed to a new use, parking or unloading facilities shall be provided as required for such new use. However, if the building or structure was erected prior to August 4, 1986, additional parking or loading are mandatory only in the amount by which the requirements for the new use would exceed those for the existing use if the latter were subject to the parking and loading provisions of this chapter.
   (B)   Existing parking and loading facilities. Accessory off-street parking or loading facilities which are located on the same lot as the building or use served and which were in existence on August 4, 1986, or were provided voluntarily after such effective date shall not hereafter be reduced below or, if already less than, shall not further be reduced below the requirements of this chapter for a similar new building or use.
   (C)   Permissive parking and loading facilities. Nothing in this chapter shall be deemed to prevent the voluntary establishment of off-street parking or loading facilities to serve any existing use of land or buildings, provided that all regulations herein governing the location, design, improvement and operation of such facilities are adhered to.
   (D)   Damage or destruction. For any conforming or legally nonconforming building or use which is in existence on August 4, 1986, which subsequent thereto is damaged or destroyed by fire, collapse, explosion or other cause, and which is reconstructed, reestablished or repaired, off-street parking or loading facilities equivalent to any maintained at the time of such damage or destruction shall be restored or continued in operation. However, in no case shall it be necessary to restore or maintain parking or loading facilities in excess of those required by this chapter for equivalent new uses or construction.
   (E)   Control of off-site parking facilities. When required parking facilities are provided on land other than the zoning lot on which the building or use served by such facilities is located, they shall be and remain in the same possession or ownership as the zoning lot occupied by the building or use to which the parking facilities are accessory. No such off-site parking facilities shall be authorized and no occupancy permit shall be issued where the plans call for parking facilities other than on the zoning lot unless and until the applicant has shown that the common ownership or ownership or possession of the zoning lot and the site of the parking facilities are reasonably certain to continue and that the off-site parking facilities will be maintained at all times during the life of the proposed use or building.
   (F)   Submission of plot plan. Any application for a building permit or for a certificate of occupancy where no building permit is required shall include therewith a plot plan, drawn to scale and fully dimensioned, showing any parking or loading facilities to be provided in compliance with this chapter.
(Ord. passed 8-4-86)