(A)   Permitted uses. The following uses are permitted:
         Any use permitted in the M-1 Districts;
         Any productions, processing, cleaning servicing, testing, repair or storage of materials, goods or products which conforms to the performance standards established for this district.
   (B)   Special uses. The following uses may be allowed by special use permit in accordance with the provisions of §§ 152.170 through 152.181:
         Any use which may be allowed as a special use in the M-1
         Motor flight terminals;
         Planned developments, industrial.
   (C)   Conditions of use. All permitted uses hereafter established are subject to the following regulations:
      (1)   All production, processing, cleaning, servicing, testing, repair or storage of goods, materials or products shall conform with the performance standards set forth in division (G) below.
      (2)   Within 150 feet of a residence district, all business, production, servicing, processing and storage shall take place or be within completely enclosed buildings, except that storage of materials may be open to the sky provided the storage area is enclosed with a solid wall or fence at least eight feet high.
      (3)   Within such 150 feet of a residence district, off-street loading facilities and off-street parking of motor vehicles under one and one-half ton capacity may be enclosed, except for such screening of parking and loading facilities as may be required under the provisions of §§ 152.110 through 152.115.
   (D)   Yards. All yard areas shall be the same as required in the M-1 District.
   (E)   Maximum floor area ratio. The maximum floor area ratio shall not exceed 3.0.
   (F)   Signs. The use of signs in the district shall be subject to the regulations set forth in §§ 152.125 through 152.127.
   (G)   Performance standards. Any use established hereinafter in an M-2 District shall be so operated as to comply with the performance standards set forth as follows:
      (1)   Noise. The performance standards governing noise in the M-1 District shall apply.
      (2)   Smoke and particulate matter. The performance standards governing smoke and particulate matter in the M-1 District shall apply.
      (3)   Odorous matter. The emissions of odorous matter from any property in such concentration as to be readily detectable at any point along the boundaries of the property when diluted in the ratio volume of odorous air to four or more volumes of clean air, or in such concentrations as to produce a public nuisance or hazard beyond the property boundaries is prohibited.
      (4)   Vibration. The performance standards governing vibration in the M-1 District shall apply.
      (5)   Toxic or noxious matter. The performance standards governing toxic or noxious matter in the M-1 District shall apply.
      (6)   Glare or heat. The performance standards governing glare or heat in the M-1 District shall apply.
      (7)   Fire and explosive hazards. The performance and standards governing fire and explosive hazards in the M-1 District shall apply.
(Ord. passed 8-4-86)